Greetings from Judy and Beau:
In an effort to better serve our fellow classmates, Judy and I are launching the inaugural GHS66 newsletter. Judy is really the boss of this project; I am just trying to make the computer do what we want it to do.
After training for a couple of hours, we have added another 80+ classmate e-mail addresses to our master list database, so for some of you, this is your first communication from us.
In our new newsletter management system, each of us maintains our own individual information in the master list. To review, change, or unsubscribe your listing, just click the link to change “Preferences” located at the bottom of this newsletter.
For the newcomers to our master list, please visit and register to view the photo gallery and participate in our forum.
We want to thank all of our classmates and friends for the positive comments on our Web site and previous e-mails. Our Web site has had over 12,900 visitors since its launch. We need more of you to participate in our online forum in the Web site. You can post pictures, tell us about what you have been doing since 1966, and get reacquainted with old friends online.
-Beau Sanders
So now, here’s the news from Judy…
Friday, October 24, 2008
7:00 pm to 11:00 pm
The Fantastic Shakers
$20 per person
Purchase tickets from Harry Howard at Plaza Jewelers
Plaza Jewelers – 241-0690
First come…..First Serve
$20.00 will cover beer, wine, water or soft drink and snacks.
We are considering a GHS Christmas Party on Friday, December 5 at Caesar’s at McAlister Square. Please let me know if you would be interested in attending. We need to reserve a restaurant as soon as possible.
Put place these dates on your calendar.
Judy Vaughn Byrum