We are planning a dinner for Monday, June 30 at 6:00 pm at City Range on Haywood Road. Please let me know so I can make reservations.
Judy Chappalear Foster will be attending. She missed the Swansgate party so we are having a dinner for her. Also, Barbara Hunt Moore would appreciate a pray for her daughter (her message below).
If Beau comes we could give him some captions for the new photos that are now on our website.....greenvillehigh1966.com.
We will also plan for the combined July and August birthday dinner. July/Candy Campbell, Missie Stone, Marion Winkle, Phil Blackwell, Tommy Miller, Betty Jenkins....August/ Lynn Kasey, Powell Payne and me!
I would appreciate your prayers for my daughter, Shannon. She has blood clots in her lungs. the doctor said she is lucky to be here. They will monitor her for a couple of days. She is the mother of my 3 grandsons. I know that God is with her, but 4 years ago on the 11th of June, my oldest daughter went to be with the Lord, so I really am in need of all prayers. There again, God is awesome and He never makes mistakes....They are waiting for test results. Barbara Hunt Moore
If any of you took dance lessons from Mrs. DeMint you will have a surprise soon. I did not know we had so many talented classmates.